Menu (Edit):
  1. A Simple Dungeon Generator for Python 2 or 3
    1. Notes on the Generator
    2. Pastebin Link to the Python Source Code
    3. The Full Python Source Code Follows
    4. The output should look something like

A Simple Dungeon Generator for Python 2 or 3

by James Spencer

Notes on the Generator

This is a descendant of my first dungeon generator. Additionally, it is licensed under CC0, and you should be able to save it to a file and just run it by typing: python on the console. It should be easy to integrate into any project.

This Dungeon Generator allows you to set:

  • The width of the area (width=64)
  • The height of the area (height=64)
  • The maximum number of rooms (max_rooms=15)
  • The minimum room width / height (min_room_xy=5)
  • The maximum room width / height (max_room_xy=10)
  • If the rooms can overlap (rooms_overlap=False)
  • The number of randomly connected rooms (random_connections=1)
  • The number of random spurs from a room to a random point (random_spurs=3)

At itโ€™s heart this dungeon generator is a simple beast, it merely tries to randomly place rooms, optionally removing rooms that overlap. It then joins the rooms with corridors.

What is nice about this generator is that it maintains a list of rooms and corridors. To add doors to the rooms all you have to do is walk over the list of rooms, look at the edges of the rooms, and decorate them with doors (which is what I do in the descendants of this generator). Another useful function would be to walk over the corridor list removing corridors that only connect rooms that other corridors already have connected (also something I did in the descendants of this generator). That helps prevent rooms from looking too chopped up with corridors. Since the corridor list is generated by walking over the room list and joining one room to the next you can get dungeons of very different character by modifying the order of the room list (eg, by sorting the room list in order of the next nearest room), then re-generating the corridors. By maintaining a corridor and room list it makes it trivial to go back after you generate a dungeon and decorate and populate rooms and corridors.

Note: The Pastebin link makes it easy to download the code, and has rather better code highlighting.

The Full Python Source Code Follows

#! /usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

#, a simple python dungeon generator by
# James Spencer <jamessp [at]>.

# To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
# has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
# to

# You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
# work. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function
import random

CHARACTER_TILES = {'stone': ' ',
                   'floor': '.',
                   'wall': '#'}

class Generator():
    def __init__(self, width=64, height=64, max_rooms=15, min_room_xy=5,
                 max_room_xy=10, rooms_overlap=False, random_connections=1,
                 random_spurs=3, tiles=CHARACTER_TILES):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.max_rooms = max_rooms
        self.min_room_xy = min_room_xy
        self.max_room_xy = max_room_xy
        self.rooms_overlap = rooms_overlap
        self.random_connections = random_connections
        self.random_spurs = random_spurs
        self.tiles = CHARACTER_TILES
        self.level = []
        self.room_list = []
        self.corridor_list = []
        self.tiles_level = []

    def gen_room(self):
        x, y, w, h = 0, 0, 0, 0

        w = random.randint(self.min_room_xy, self.max_room_xy)
        h = random.randint(self.min_room_xy, self.max_room_xy)
        x = random.randint(1, (self.width - w - 1))
        y = random.randint(1, (self.height - h - 1))

        return [x, y, w, h]

    def room_overlapping(self, room, room_list):
        x = room[0]
        y = room[1]
        w = room[2]
        h = room[3]

        for current_room in room_list:

            # The rectangles don't overlap if
            # one rectangle's minimum in some dimension
            # is greater than the other's maximum in
            # that dimension.

            if (x < (current_room[0] + current_room[2]) and
                current_room[0] < (x + w) and
                y < (current_room[1] + current_room[3]) and
                current_room[1] < (y + h)):

                return True

        return False

    def corridor_between_points(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, join_type='either'):
        if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2 or x1 == x2 or y1 == y2:
            return [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
            # 2 Corridors
            # NOTE: Never randomly choose a join that will go out of bounds
            # when the walls are added.
            join = None
            if join_type is 'either' and set([0, 1]).intersection(
                 set([x1, x2, y1, y2])):

                join = 'bottom'
            elif join_type is 'either' and set([self.width - 1,
                 self.width - 2]).intersection(set([x1, x2])) or set(
                 [self.height - 1, self.height - 2]).intersection(
                 set([y1, y2])):

                join = 'top'
            elif join_type is 'either':
                join = random.choice(['top', 'bottom'])
                join = join_type

            if join is 'top':
                return [(x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2)]
            elif join is 'bottom':
                return [(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2)]

    def join_rooms(self, room_1, room_2, join_type='either'):
        # sort by the value of x
        sorted_room = [room_1, room_2]
        sorted_room.sort(key=lambda x_y: x_y[0])

        x1 = sorted_room[0][0]
        y1 = sorted_room[0][1]
        w1 = sorted_room[0][2]
        h1 = sorted_room[0][3]
        x1_2 = x1 + w1 - 1
        y1_2 = y1 + h1 - 1

        x2 = sorted_room[1][0]
        y2 = sorted_room[1][1]
        w2 = sorted_room[1][2]
        h2 = sorted_room[1][3]
        x2_2 = x2 + w2 - 1
        y2_2 = y2 + h2 - 1

        # overlapping on x
        if x1 < (x2 + w2) and x2 < (x1 + w1):
            jx1 = random.randint(x2, x1_2)
            jx2 = jx1
            tmp_y = [y1, y2, y1_2, y2_2]
            jy1 = tmp_y[1] + 1
            jy2 = tmp_y[2] - 1

            corridors = self.corridor_between_points(jx1, jy1, jx2, jy2)

        # overlapping on y
        elif y1 < (y2 + h2) and y2 < (y1 + h1):
            if y2 > y1:
                jy1 = random.randint(y2, y1_2)
                jy2 = jy1
                jy1 = random.randint(y1, y2_2)
                jy2 = jy1
            tmp_x = [x1, x2, x1_2, x2_2]
            jx1 = tmp_x[1] + 1
            jx2 = tmp_x[2] - 1

            corridors = self.corridor_between_points(jx1, jy1, jx2, jy2)

        # no overlap
            join = None
            if join_type is 'either':
                join = random.choice(['top', 'bottom'])
                join = join_type

            if join is 'top':
                if y2 > y1:
                    jx1 = x1_2 + 1
                    jy1 = random.randint(y1, y1_2)
                    jx2 = random.randint(x2, x2_2)
                    jy2 = y2 - 1
                    corridors = self.corridor_between_points(
                        jx1, jy1, jx2, jy2, 'bottom')
                    jx1 = random.randint(x1, x1_2)
                    jy1 = y1 - 1
                    jx2 = x2 - 1
                    jy2 = random.randint(y2, y2_2)
                    corridors = self.corridor_between_points(
                        jx1, jy1, jx2, jy2, 'top')

            elif join is 'bottom':
                if y2 > y1:
                    jx1 = random.randint(x1, x1_2)
                    jy1 = y1_2 + 1
                    jx2 = x2 - 1
                    jy2 = random.randint(y2, y2_2)
                    corridors = self.corridor_between_points(
                        jx1, jy1, jx2, jy2, 'top')
                    jx1 = x1_2 + 1
                    jy1 = random.randint(y1, y1_2)
                    jx2 = random.randint(x2, x2_2)
                    jy2 = y2_2 + 1
                    corridors = self.corridor_between_points(
                        jx1, jy1, jx2, jy2, 'bottom')

    def gen_level(self):

        # build an empty dungeon, blank the room and corridor lists
        for i in range(self.height):
            self.level.append(['stone'] * self.width)
        self.room_list = []
        self.corridor_list = []

        max_iters = self.max_rooms * 5

        for a in range(max_iters):
            tmp_room = self.gen_room()

            if self.rooms_overlap or not self.room_list:
                tmp_room = self.gen_room()
                tmp_room_list = self.room_list[:]

                if self.room_overlapping(tmp_room, tmp_room_list) is False:

            if len(self.room_list) >= self.max_rooms:

        # connect the rooms
        for a in range(len(self.room_list) - 1):
            self.join_rooms(self.room_list[a], self.room_list[a + 1])

        # do the random joins
        for a in range(self.random_connections):
            room_1 = self.room_list[random.randint(0, len(self.room_list) - 1)]
            room_2 = self.room_list[random.randint(0, len(self.room_list) - 1)]
            self.join_rooms(room_1, room_2)

        # do the spurs
        for a in range(self.random_spurs):
            room_1 = [random.randint(2, self.width - 2), random.randint(
                     2, self.height - 2), 1, 1]
            room_2 = self.room_list[random.randint(0, len(self.room_list) - 1)]
            self.join_rooms(room_1, room_2)

        # fill the map
        # paint rooms
        for room_num, room in enumerate(self.room_list):
            for b in range(room[2]):
                for c in range(room[3]):
                    self.level[room[1] + c][room[0] + b] = 'floor'

        # paint corridors
        for corridor in self.corridor_list:
            x1, y1 = corridor[0]
            x2, y2 = corridor[1]
            for width in range(abs(x1 - x2) + 1):
                for height in range(abs(y1 - y2) + 1):
                    self.level[min(y1, y2) + height][
                        min(x1, x2) + width] = 'floor'

            if len(corridor) == 3:
                x3, y3 = corridor[2]

                for width in range(abs(x2 - x3) + 1):
                    for height in range(abs(y2 - y3) + 1):
                        self.level[min(y2, y3) + height][
                            min(x2, x3) + width] = 'floor'

        # paint the walls
        for row in range(1, self.height - 1):
            for col in range(1, self.width - 1):
                if self.level[row][col] == 'floor':
                    if self.level[row - 1][col - 1] == 'stone':
                        self.level[row - 1][col - 1] = 'wall'

                    if self.level[row - 1][col] == 'stone':
                        self.level[row - 1][col] = 'wall'

                    if self.level[row - 1][col + 1] == 'stone':
                        self.level[row - 1][col + 1] = 'wall'

                    if self.level[row][col - 1] == 'stone':
                        self.level[row][col - 1] = 'wall'

                    if self.level[row][col + 1] == 'stone':
                        self.level[row][col + 1] = 'wall'

                    if self.level[row + 1][col - 1] == 'stone':
                        self.level[row + 1][col - 1] = 'wall'

                    if self.level[row + 1][col] == 'stone':
                        self.level[row + 1][col] = 'wall'

                    if self.level[row + 1][col + 1] == 'stone':
                        self.level[row + 1][col + 1] = 'wall'

    def gen_tiles_level(self):

        for row_num, row in enumerate(self.level):
            tmp_tiles = []

            for col_num, col in enumerate(row):
                if col == 'stone':
                if col == 'floor':
                if col == 'wall':


        print('Room List: ', self.room_list)
        print('\nCorridor List: ', self.corridor_list)

        [print(row) for row in self.tiles_level]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    gen = Generator()

The output should look something like

Room List:  [[45, 26, 7, 9], [29, 18, 8, 10], [21, 28, 9, 5], [7, 26, 7, 7], [21, 16, 9, 7],
[18, 51, 9, 6], [42, 52, 6, 9], [4, 46, 9, 5], [20, 4, 8, 6], [56, 1, 7, 10], [16, 5, 7, 7],
[55, 34, 7, 9], [37, 33, 7, 9], [8, 11, 6, 8], [34, 2, 6, 8]]

Corridor List:  [[(37, 26), (44, 26)], [(29, 28), (29, 27)], [(14, 28), (20, 28)],
[(11, 25), (11, 18), (20, 18)], [(24, 23), (24, 50)], [(27, 56), (41, 56)],
[(13, 46), (46, 46), (46, 51)], [(6, 45), (6, 4), (19, 4)], [(28, 5), (55, 5)], [(23, 5), (55, 5)],
[(20, 12), (20, 40), (54, 40)], [(44, 38), (54, 38)], [(14, 13), (40, 13), (40, 32)],
[(14, 17), (37, 17), (37, 10)], [(30, 22), (62, 22), (62, 11)], [(37, 27), (37, 16)],
[(14, 12), (57, 12), (57, 59)], [(6, 59), (6, 29), (44, 29)]]
                                 ########              #.......#
                                 #......#              #.......#
     ########################    #......#              #.......#
     #.#       #............######......################.......#
     #.#       #............#    #......#              #.......#
     #.#       #............#    #......#              #.......#
     #.#       #............#    #......#              #.......#
     #.#########.......######    ####.###              #.......#
     #.#..................................................#  #.#
     #.#.................................################.#  #.#
     #.#......######.################.##.#              #.#  #.#
     #.#......#    #.##########     #.##.#              #.#  #.#
     #.#......######..........#######.##.#              #.#  #.#
     #.#..............................##.#              #.#  #.#
     #.#..............................##.#              #.#  #.#
     #.####.########..................##.#              #.#  #.#
     #.#  #.#      #..................##.#              #.#  #.#
     #.#  #.#      #..................##.################.####.#
     #.#  #.#      #...........................................#
     #.#  #.#      #.###.####.........##.################.######
     #.#  #.#      #.# #.#  #.........##.#              #.#
     #.####.###    #.# #.#  #.........##.############   #.#
     #........#    #.# #.#  #.......................#   #.#
     #........######.###.####.........##.####.......#   #.#
     #........................##########.####.......#   #.#
     #..............................................#   #.#
     #........######..........##########.####.......#   #.#
     #........#    #..........#        #.#  #.......#   #.#
     #........#    #..........#     ####.####.......#   #.#
     #.########    #.###.######     #.......#.......# ###.#####
     #.#           #.# #.#          #.......#.......# #.......#
     #.#           #.# #.#          #.......######### #.......#
     #.#           #.# #.#          #.......#         #.......#
     #.#           #.# #.#          #.......###########.......#
     #.#           #.# #.#          #.........................#
     #.#           #.###.############.......###########.......#
     #.#           #..........................................#
     #.#           #####.############.......###########.......#
     #.#               #.#          #########         #.......#
     #.#               #.#                            ###.#####
     #.#               #.#                              #.#
   ###.#################.#######################        #.#
   #...........................................#        #.#
   #.........###########.#####################.#        #.#
   #.........#         #.#                   #.#        #.#
   #.........#         #.#                   #.#        #.#
   #.........#   #######.###                 #.#        #.#
   ###.#######   #.........#             #####.##       #.#
     #.#         #.........#             #......#       #.#
     #.#         #.........#             #......#       #.#
     #.#         #.........#             #......#       #.#
     #.#         #.........###############......#       #.#
     #.#         #..............................#       #.#
     #.#         #########################......#       #.#
     #.#                                 #......#       #.#
     #.#                                 #......#       #.#
     ###                                 #......#       ###

The room list is in [x1, y1, width, height] format, and the corridor list is in [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ?(x3, y3)] format where (x3, y3) only exist if a hallway has an โ€˜Lโ€™ bend. Iโ€™m still using a distant descendant of this generator for my as of yet unreleased roguelike. I hope others find it useful.