Ada is a compiled, structured, statically typed, imperative, and object-oriented high-level programming language, extended from Pascal and other languages.
Ada began its history as a military programming language designed mostly for embedded and real-time systems but over time it evolved into more general purpose language. Its name is after Augusta Ada Lovelace - one of the first known computer programmers. Also, the first standard of language was named in honor of Lady Ada - MIL-STD-1815 (1815 is the year of birth of Ada Lovelace) released in 1980. All next versions are named Ada[year of release]. The newest version of the language standard is Ada2012. Today Ada is used not only in military projects, but also very often in commercial solutions where high safety and security is crucial (like avionics or medical). And can be a quite good language to write roguelikes too. Main characteristics
The biggest problem with Ada as a language for writing roguelike is lack of libraries which can boost the creation process. Fortunately, due to the very good interfacing level with C or C++ it is easy to use libraries like libtcod or SDL in an Ada code. Also there are available bindings for many libraries (for example ncurses) which can be easily used in creating an Ada roguelike.
The biggest advantage is that Ada allows to create a high-level code, on level comparable with Python or Java which make creating a roguelike a lot easier than with lower level programming languages. Ada offers, for example, dynamic containers (like Python list or tuples), high level text operation (like Java strings) or generics (like templates in C++). Also, because Ada is a lot faster than Java or Python, there should be less problems with performance and computer resources usage (like memory or CPU). Theoretically, an experienced programmer can make an Ada code as fast as C (by disabling runtime checks) or even with smaller memory usage than C (by packing variables).