A C++ implementation of Bjorn Bergstrom’s recursive shadowcasting FOV algorithm. It’s mostly a port of the Python version. However it is not a working, compilable program, but rather just an example you can use as a starting point.
The code has unsigned int typedef’d to uint, and uses it where appropiate.
#include <cmath>
typedef unsigned int uint;
static int multipliers[4][8] = {
{1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1},
{0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0},
{0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0},
{1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1}
class Map {
Map() {};
void set_visible(uint x, uint y, bool visible) {
// Set the visibility of the cell at the given position.
uint get_width() const {
// Return the width of the map.
return 0;
uint get_height() const {
// Return the height of the map.
return 0;
bool is_opaque(uint x, uint y) const {
// Return whether the given position holds an opaque cell.
return false;
void cast_light(Map& map, uint x, uint y, uint radius, uint row,
float start_slope, float end_slope, uint xx, uint xy, uint yx,
uint yy) {
if (start_slope < end_slope) {
float next_start_slope = start_slope;
for (uint i = row; i <= radius; i++) {
bool blocked = false;
for (int dx = -i, dy = -i; dx <= 0; dx++) {
float l_slope = (dx - 0.5) / (dy + 0.5);
float r_slope = (dx + 0.5) / (dy - 0.5);
if (start_slope < r_slope) {
} else if (end_slope > l_slope) {
int sax = dx * xx + dy * xy;
int say = dx * yx + dy * yy;
if ((sax < 0 && (uint)std::abs(sax) > x) ||
(say < 0 && (uint)std::abs(say) > y)) {
uint ax = x + sax;
uint ay = y + say;
if (ax >= map.get_width() || ay >= map.get_height()) {
uint radius2 = radius * radius;
if ((uint)(dx * dx + dy * dy) < radius2) {
map.set_visible(ax, ay, true);
if (blocked) {
if (map.is_opaque(ax, ay)) {
next_start_slope = r_slope;
} else {
blocked = false;
start_slope = next_start_slope;
} else if (map.is_opaque(ax, ay)) {
blocked = true;
next_start_slope = r_slope;
cast_light(map, x, y, radius, i + 1, start_slope, l_slope, xx,
xy, yx, yy);
if (blocked) {
void do_fov(Map& map, uint x, uint y, uint radius) {
for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
cast_light(map, x, y, radius, 1, 1.0, 0.0, multipliers[0][i],
multipliers[1][i], multipliers[2][i], multipliers[3][i]);