Review of the Doryen library by PaulBlay
Preferred IDE : Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
Preferred Platform : Windows XP
Other requirements sought : Unicode support / Works with SQLite
libtcod (aka the Doryen library) is dependent on SDL dlls being made available to the project. The instructions are available online and are relatively clear. I had some trouble because the subsystem in linker settings must be set to “Not set” or “Console” while I had it at “Windows”. No compiler warnings were prompted by including “libtcod.hpp”. At first glance the functionality would appear to be quite impressive, although the implementation appears a little intimidating to someone at my (low) level of C++ ‘expertise’.
As soon as it gets to “TCODConsole” stuff it exits with the message “The thread ‘Win32 Thread’ (0x694) has exited with code 1 (0x1)”. I’m going to put this on the backburner for now.