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  1. Magic Tower

Magic Tower

wants cleaning up

By Archibald and R.Dan Henry (wikied by abcgi)

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 22:59:41 +0100, Archibald <>

>>A typical magic tower of a typical evil sorcerer. You know, a person 
>>dreaming of taking over the world, gaining more power and so on. How 
>>will such tower looks like?

Lots of spires, gargoyles, and pointy bits. Plus a balcony to walk out
on and look down on the world with contempt/fury/wistfulness depending
on mood. Usually with a storm in the background.

>>Firstly, what are the main reasons of having such tower?

Freudian symbolism.

>>- defensive construction - a safe place to hide from other wizards, 
>>crazy heroes and kings armies
>>- army garnison - create, garnison, train and equip an invincible army
>>- magic research - new spells, artifacts research
>>- mana accumulation - extract mana from magic pools (located beneath the 
>>tower), a place for wizards to accumulate and share mana
>>- magic objects construction - someone have to make these all magic 
>>items you can find in dungeons  :) 

Oh, those, too, although realistically sized towers are far too
cramped to house a serious army.

Tower could harness wind/lightning from those storms in the background
for power, or increase range of line-of-sight spells. Don't forget
imprisoning enemies you can't kill for some contrived reason, or
locking up your beautiful daughter away from the world. And high
landing sites are favored for some flying beasties and docking
lighter-than-air ships.

>>What will they do in this tower?
>>- breed/summon monsters, train army

One would mostly go outside to do the training, also to let the
hellbeasts poop