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  1. Qt Reviews
    1. Review of Qt by PaulBlay
      1. Usage background
      2. Experience with Qt
      3. Conclusion

Qt Reviews

Review of Qt by PaulBlay

Usage background

Preferred Platform : Windows XP

Other requirements sought : Unicode support / Works with SQLite

Experience with Qt

As mentioned in the main Qt page on RogueBasin this is a very professional looking package. I have no reason to doubt that it can, in the right hands, also produce very professional outputs. However there are some downsides. The designers seem to have assumed that everybody will have a big flat-screen monitor - most sub-windows have no facility to minimize / auto-hide or be made ‘floatable’. This makes the space left for editing the graphical form cramped. I was unable to compile the libraries that accompanied it as source code - a pity as I really wanted to use one of them. I suspect the process may go more smoothly in Linux? Finally the debugger system used - .stab - appeared to be unable to cope so instead of informative compiler warnings (errors) I just got the same warning repeated hundreds of times (description string too long - try a different debugger system). I would love to try a different debugger system (Dwarf-2?) but can find no way of configuring this.


Qt inspired great expectations in me, but ultimately let them down. I still recommend people try this for themselves as if it does go well for you I think it should be a very productive system.