Menu (Edit):
  1. Smart searching and Modeling the player with a “heatmap”
    1. Overview
    2. Example code

Smart searching and Modeling the player with a “heatmap”


I wanted a somewhat smart way for the guards to search for the player in Shinobi, as they lose visual contact, without giving them any information they should not have. This algorithm allows guards to collaboratively search for player and narrow down areas player cannot be.


  • Monsters can have a relatively good idea where player is when out of vision.
  • Allows them to follow into corridors without needing player position.
  • Monsters can’t know where you went if 2 possible routes.


  • Might be processing intensive (?)
  • Spreads only on “fresh” edges of the heatmap. Allows player to slip into already searched area. (Actually you could consider this realistic and a +)
  • Is unreliable if player has ability to move a lot farther on some turns (like teleports/blinks etc.)

How it works

  • You need some kind of heatmap. I used 2 sets of points (has quite good performance in my opinion. Could be better of course)
  • When a player is seen, heat is reset and tile player is on gets heat
  • Each turn, spread heatmap at the speed the player can move.
  • For each monster (that uses heatmap) clear all tiles in monster fov.¨
  • For actually searching the player, you might want to just pathfind to closest tile with heat

Here is heatmap demonstrated in action in Shinobi:

Heatmap in action

Example code

Here is my implementation used in Shinobi in JavaScript. Uses Set from collections.js.

var Heat = {
  time: 0,
  oldNodes: null,
  freshNodes: null,

  //Initialize things. Called whenever heatlevel has to be cleared
  init: function () {
    this.oldNodes = new Set(null, this._equals, this._hash);
    this.freshNodes = new Set(null, this._equals, this._hash);
    this.time = 0;
  //Add node in specified coordinates. Heatlevel spreads from there max. time nodes
  set: function (x, y, time) {
    this.freshNodes.add([x, y]);
    this.time = time;

  neighbors: function (node) {
    var i, j;
    var n = new Set();

    //3x3 grid around current node, TODO: Util.lightPasses might have to be refactored into something else later
    for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
      for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
        if (Util.walkable(node[0] + i, node[1] + j)) {
          n.add([node[0] + i, node[1] + j]);

    return n;
  //Spreads the heat one iteration
  spread: function () {
    //Dont spread if time = 0
    if (this.time < 1) return;
    me = this;
    //Get next iteration of nodes
    var newNodes = new Set(null, this._equals, this._hash);
    this.freshNodes.forEach(function (node) {

    this.freshNodes = newNodes.difference(this.oldNodes);

    this.time -= 1;
  //Returns possible neighbors for each node

  //Debugging. Draws the heatlevel over game. Atm called by pressing 'H'
  draw: function () {
    this.oldNodes.forEach(function (node) {
      var point =[0], node[1]);
      Game.display.draw(point.x, point.y, ".", "#000", "#fb0");
    this.freshNodes.forEach(function (node) {
      var point =[0], node[1]);
      Game.display.draw(point.x, point.y, ".", "#000", "#bf0");

  //this._equals & this._hash, delegates(?) for the sets
  _equals: function (a, b) {
    if (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1]) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  _hash: function (object) {
    return object[0] + "," + object[1]; //object[0]+300*object[1];

  //Removes heat from coordinates. Atm called when guards see tiles.
  remove: function (x, y) {
    this.oldNodes.delete([x, y]);
    this.freshNodes.delete([x, y]);

  //Find the closest heat
  find: function (x, y) {
    var dist, node, curDist;
    dist = 999999999;
    this.oldNodes.forEach(function (p) {
      curDist = Math.abs(x - p[0]) + Math.abs(y - p[1]);
      if (curDist < dist) {
        dist = curDist;
        node = p;
    this.freshNodes.forEach(function (p) {
      curDist = Math.abs(x - p[0]) + Math.abs(y - p[1]);
      if (curDist < dist) {
        dist = curDist;
        node = p;
    return node;